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  • Writer's pictureTom Lau

Updated 10/17 Upcoming Club Meeting

Date: October 22, 2015

Location: Los Angeles Arborteum (Oak Room)

Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Refreshments: Peter Macasieb, Lindsay Shiba, Joe Galgoul, and Greg Kathol

Our scheduled demostrator for the night Al Nelson has recently injuried his back and will not be joining us on October 22. We wish him a speedy recovery and we will reschedule him for 2016.

The ever traveling bonsai artist known as Mauro Stemberger will be our very special guest for the night. He has led 2 workshops and 1 demostration for our club before and is really part of our Southern California Family during the month of October/November. On this special night Mauro will be working on a tree for the club and that tree will be auctioned off during our annual "Winter Silhouette Show" in Janurary! Bring a raffle prize and hope to see you there!

If you like more information about Mauro you can find his website here:

or his facebook:

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