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  • Writer's pictureTom Lau

GSBF 2015 Multi-Media Contest Winners

Finally letting the cat out of the bag. GSBF posted yet another great write up about these winners and I'm going to steal its formatting because its done exactly how I would have done it!

Every year Golden State Bonsai Federation (GSBF) Golden Statements (GS) Magazine hosts the best club website and club newsletter contests. It is an opportunity to judge club websites and newsletters for their quality, communications of club activities and information, and creativity of the webmasters and editors throughout GSBF.

Best Club Newsletter

Best Club Small Newsletter: (Four pages or less) Bonsai Club of Santa Barbara Editor: Joe Olson

Best Club Large Newsletter: (More than four pages) San Diego Bonsai Club Editor: Dave Barker

Best Club Website

Best Club Website Under One Year: Baiko-en Bonsai Kenkyukai <-- that's us!!!! Webmaster: Thomas Lau <-- that's me!!!

Best Club Website Over One Year: East Bay Bonsai Society Webmaster: Michael Hylton

All the above winners received this beautifully framed reproduction block print from GSBF.

All I can say is this was not my goal when I started this. I wanted to get this art form into the digital age. Especially, when this club has so much history and we did not have a way to outreach to the general population and other bonsai club circle. But, I have to say thank you for everybody that support my crazy idea of putting a website together for our 50+ year old club.

Hey Shirley lets double down and win again next year or the following year!

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