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CBS 59th Bonsai Exhibition

Writer's picture: Tom LauTom Lau

Bonsai - The Living Art

"The mysteries of an ancient tree abide in the memory of the bonsai master" Lindsay Shiba

Chinese Elm - Jim Barrett

California Bonsai Society has a long and colorful history in the Southern California Region. Staff by master instructors and advanced students this club has flourished under the eye of John Naka himself.

California Juniper - Hiro Maehara

John Naka is known for his love for large bonsai display. This is truely evident by the extra large bonsai backdrop and the large trees it shows. Each tree is well manicured and excuted for the this prized show at the Huntington Library this past weekend.

Shimpaku Juniper - San Gabriel Nursery

CBS seems like to me like the All-Star Fantasy Bonsai Show. Unlike the Nanpukai Show which is made up of Master Instructors. CBS has a collection of refined individuals which have refined trees to match their particular personality but all having some heft or scale to them.

Chinese Elm - Carol Upston

Each tree at the show has a story to tell. Some is the hardship it grew up in. Other lived a life of a normal garden tree. But each to their own unique story to tell.

Trident Maple - Marybel Balendonck

Up Close Trident Maple - Marybel Balendonck (Eel River Stone?)

So if you have a chance next year come by and stop and view the CBS trees you will not be disappointed.

Shimpaku Juniper - Takashi Shimazu

Korean Hornbeam - Lindsay Shiba

Shohin Display - Larry Ragle

Shohin Display - Peter Macasieb

Twisted Pomegranate - Doyle Saito

Olive - John Lund Nielsen

Japanese Black Pine - Tom Vuong

Tokanoma Display - Chinese Elm - Marge Blasingame

Of course every year CBS does sponser a small reception at the Huntington after hours. It is thank you for the volunteers that help put on Bonsai-A-Thon fundraiser for the Southern Collection.

Of course several key CBS members were highlighted and thanked that night. Marge Blasingame, Ann Erb and Mel Ikeda were all given a token of appriecation for everything they do to keep CBS running and presenting this wonderful show.

CBS also presented a small donation to the Huntington Library viva Jim Folsom for the Southern Bonsai Collection.

CBS had a special group of visitors at the reception that night. A small group of Phoenix Bonsai Society was on a world wind tour of Southern California. They even had a gift made for this event. Eric Zimmet (President of Phoenix Bonsai Society) presented a limited edition artist pot to CBS Lindsay Shiba (President of CBS) at the reception.


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