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Round 2 of Ed Clark's Round Valley Nursery

Writer: Tom LauTom Lau

To kick off the 2017 New Year we (as a club) went back to visit Ed Clark's Round Valley Nursery in this past weekend. The weather was on my mind the week leading up to the field trip. With heavy wet weather the past several weeks kept me worried if this trip was a wash. Glad to tell you all it was great weather in Lindsay California. A bit on the muggy side and muddy grounds but can not complain beyond that.

Fields just outside of Round Valley Nursery as we left the compounds.

As the last time we went up it was mid fall and the deciduous trees haven't lost any of their leaves yet. This time tho all the leaves has been shed and the structure below were totally exposed.

Row of shohin size Japanese Maple ready to be trained.

Japanese Maple forest in training.

New members Jim and Maryann with Tom V. scout out older growth trident maples that are currently field grown. The last time we were here these guys were all leafed out and could not see the trunk or branch structure.

You can see in the above photo that Tom V. carefully exposes the nebari to see which if any were up to his caliber. The hard part of field grown trees is that you can not see the entire plant until you either dig the tree out or when you get it home. Most of the time its on gut feeling and years of field tree hunting skills. But, I have to say its always exciting trying to find one in hundred.

Ed still has ton of different variety of maples still on hand. As he says the stocks are getting smaller and smaller each year. But, what left might be still the best pre-bonsai stock available in the market that was not intended to be bonsai material.

Lindsay shows off one of his prized buy of the trip. A seed grown rough bark Japanese Maple. It is not your normal "Arakawa" variety but a natural mutation grown by accident by Ed Clark. As Ed's put it. I had the chance to collect several hundreds seeds from a neighbor and it was a sport from a smooth bark Japanese Maple. Pretty rare natural find! On closer inspection the bark is more crusty but not plated like what you see in an "Arakawa".

Gus poses for scale on this cork bark elm. Too bad its not for sale. But its still pretty to look at!

Ed, Lindsay and Shirley talk about evergreen growth patterns here.

Caught Gus trying to steal another brownie!

The best part of this trip was the meal that Linda made just for us. The beef and barley soup hit the spot that day. Thank you Linda!

As all good things must come to an end. Ed helps round up all items picked up that day for transport back to our vehicles. I even ask Ed if I could take a ride with him and he said "yes"! I might have to take up that off next time!

Jim helps Tom V. load up his truck with the spoils of 4 hours worth of shopping.

Tom V. finds a dead cork elm just his size! Super Size!

Best part of the day is when Gus and I help Ed clear his bench of this unwanted cork elm.

While walking around one last time I spied the fragrance of an Ume tree. Hidden in that dense canopy was this contorted variety.

Right next door was this pink Ume.

Finally, this really cool nest vacated for the winter. Maybe next spring someone will take up residence?

One last group photo before we headed home. Thank you Ed and Linda for your hositality and letting us the opportunity to visit you nursery. If you are interested in seeing some of Ed's products the best would be any major show in Central California or the GSBF conventions. If you really crazy maybe ask for to visit!


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