The Christmas holiday season always has a special place in my heart. Not only that everybody decorate to make their homes all festive. But, its the time of year where we all get together to reflect on the year we spend as a collective group.

As tradition, the Shiba's hosted the event at their residence. Living in Lytle Creek has its perks especially, this time of year. It is a location where the season's change and you are actually in a forest like environment.

To add a festive scent to the entrance is this ume is almost full bloom!

We arrived early to help setup and get everything ready for the rest of the club members. The awesome part of this group is that even that we are small in numbers we make up in sheer collective teamwork.

The guest to arrive first is of course the Valentine's traveling all the way from San Diego area.

Big Joe and Mindy Galgoul sets up the turkey they made.

Got a shot of Hedy and Martha before they started to dig into their meal.

Shirley and Gus trying to share their food through the camera. But, we all know that is not going to work.

This little gem was hidden on top of the entertainment center. When I first got a closer look I only saw the tree by itself. As I tried to composed my shot. I noticed the accent plant and scene as a whole. Nice Christmas tokonamo display Lindsay.

By the time, I got a chance to turn around. Ken arrived to join in the party. The amazing part was just hours earlier he was on a plane coming back from his short trip to China.

This lady never likes taking a photo with me. Marge, I got a photo of you!

Had to get a photo of the host and hostess of the night! Thank you Debbie and Lindsay Shiba for hosting us again!

When the food was gone and cleared, the games began! The White Elephant Gift Exchange has always been a fun time. You never know what gift you will leave with by the end of the night.

Some times the gift is not what is cracked up to be either!

I had the opportunity to sneak out and take several sneak photos of a "Winter Silhouette Show". Which is coming this Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend in January!

One of the most impressive Trident Maple that I have always admired when I come visit.

Also had to take a shot of Old Faithful! This Korean Hornbeam always says Fall or Winter with this ever changing Fall color. Well, if you like these trees you should come visit our "53rd Winter Silhouette Show" January 13th and 14th at the Los Angeles Arboretum. Until next post!